Our Story



Make it easier and safer for people to get on a bike, be healthier and happier.


An awesome world with healthy and happy people.

About Us

Family of sports and outdoors enthusiasts from Brazil, living in beautiful Australia.

Through our own struggles, we started developing products to help cyclists spend more time riding, making it easier and safer to transport, maintain, clean, and store all biking needs.

We want riders to ride more and worry less!

The name SPORTOURO comes from playing with the words:

  • SPORT” since we are a sporting goods brand
  • OURO” means ‘gold’ in Portuguese, hence the golden colour on the brand. Gold not only represents the high quality of our products but also the high achievement and performance of gold medallists.
  • TOURO” means ‘bull’ in Portuguese, representing the power and fearless attitude. Yes, that is why you see a bull in the brand logo name.